Home Forums Blog Talk Guest Posts and Copyright Issues

5 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Rachel Phelps 12 years, 6 months ago
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    • #26429

      Rachel Phelps

      Besides my dog site I also run a website for a non-profit in which a volunteer (also a pet/dog training blogger) for a year regularly volunteered their time to answer questions from our readers on issues with their dogs..an ask the expert section. She decides to resign and then we get a very nasty e-mail demanding we remove her guest posts since they are her copyrighted material (even though we provided the questions) and threatens to report us and have the website shut down by the hosting company if they are not removed by today (e-mail was sent last night).  I am sure she is upset about something but won’t answer her phone or have an adult conversation just threats over e-mail so we aren’t really sure what the real reason behind this is, just keeps saying to protect her work.  . From my research someone who feels that you are violating their copyright can file a claim without your knowledge and your provider can shut down you site without notice as well.

        So my question is how do you all handle guest posts? Do you require a contract to be signed, etc. to protect yourself from copyright claims even though they submitted the content?   I know I have done guest posts for other sites and never had any expectation that I  could sue them or report them for using what I gave them (nor would I ever!). So I just wanted your input on how you handle content not generated by yourself.

    • #26434


      I am with Bonnie. I do not require a contract, but I do ask any Guest Poster to acknowledge in writing (via e-mail) that they accept that all guest posts become property of Kol’s Notes, unless otherwise agreed upon.  If they want to maintain the copyright, I ask that a release be given stating that my name and Kol’s Notes is an authorized poster of the content and that the content may be used on the blog with no time limit on how long it will remain up.


      Now to your situation specifically, it is my understanding that if she wrote the main content of value (ie. the answer) and there was no agreement in place to transfer the copyright to your blog, then unfortunately, the author does hold the copyright and can request you take it down. You are correct that they can file a claim, though you should get a DCMA cease and desist letter prior to the loss of any web-hosting etc.


      My question would be: Is it worth it to risk? Do the posts add so much value to your site that it would be lost without them?

    • #26433

      Rachel Phelps

      oh no we were are already slowly replacing the answers since they weren’t that great to start with!  But we were kinda in that position that if  a volunteer write you you don’t want to offend them etc. I just wanted to see what other bloggers did to hand this in the future.


    • #26432

      Rachel Phelps

      Bonnie can I use some of your wording on your terms page for my blogs? they are very well written and I think it would be good to add that onto the sites. But wanted to make sure to ask 🙂

    • #26431


      Are you giving them entirely new answers or are you just rewriting her answers in your own words? If you are just rewriting her answers, you could still be in a copyright grey-area. Technically, you are stillusing her thoughts and since you are really just editting her work, that is technically a copyright violation as well.


      If you are writing an all new responses that aren’t at all like hers, then I would print the original posts, so you have a record of her answer and can prove yours is not just a take off of her works, then delete the original post, and repost with the question (which I might consider re-wording as well) and the new answer. A lot of work, but then you’re in the clear and she can’t claim you’ve violated copyright.

      Rachel Phelps said:

      oh no we were are already slowly replacing the answers since they weren’t that great to start with!  But we were kinda in that position that if  a volunteer write you you don’t want to offend them etc. I just wanted to see what other bloggers did to hand this in the future.


    • #26430

      Rachel Phelps

      Jodi we are actually redoing them completely..we are having our fan submit their answers on facebook and then we have an expert animal behaviorist/trainer weigh in on the end. We are getting some really good answers and different suggestions from our fan! Plus, it really helps with reader engagement.   So that why it is kinda slow going. 

      Thanks so much Bonnie for letting us borrow!

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