
Create a Strategy

Before you jump into the technical aspects of setting up a blog or starting a social media account, you need to spend some time thinking about your niche and your strategy.

I want you to first ask yourself what is your end goal? Why do you want to become a pet influencer?

I want you to be really clear about this before you get started with all of the tasks involved with setting up a blog and social media accounts.

We often hear people say that they want to become full-time bloggers. That is possible but understand that a blog is not a business all by itself. It’s a platform to create a business and to spread your influence. Your blog is the hub of everything that you do. In order to be a successful influencer, having a blog is a critical element. The strategy that you create with your blog is dependent upon your goals. The good news is that we’ll cover all of that in this course!

In this lesson we’ll cover the following topics:

  • Define Your Why
  • What is Your Niche?
  • Who Do You Want to Reach?
  • How to Create a Strategy

Click on each topic below to learn more.
