
Write Some Blog Posts

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Are you blogging to promote your business, a product, a cause, or just to share cute stories about your pets? Your why and your monetization strategy play a big role in how you create content.

For example: Let’s say you want affiliate marketing to be your number one source of income. That means you need to work really hard on building pageviews and traffic. You’ll also need to write targeted content that promotes the affiliate products you’re selling. This content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, emails, lead magnets, and more!

If you’re trying to become a social media consultant, then you would create a content marketing plan that positions you as the expert. That means creating blog posts that are SEO friendly that teach readers how to effectively use social media marketing.

Think of your content plan in terms of ALL the content that helps to support your business goals.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is timeless. Just like an Evergreen tree that never changes color, this content never goes out of style. To have a successful blog, the majority of your content should fall into this category.

Evergreen content solves a problem for your readers. This can include tutorials, DIY projects, recipes, tips, lists, roundup posts, and more. This content will help to establish you as an expert in your niche and it’s easy to share on social media. These are the posts that you should be monetizing because they have the potential for high traffic. This can produce revenue for years to come if done right!

Evergreen content should be sprinkled with seasonal content and trending/hot topics. However, the majority of your traffic will be from those evergreen posts. If done right, they can bring traffic for many years!

Examples of Evergreen Posts

Here are some examples of evergreen posts from influencers in our community.