Home Forums Blog Talk Your Biggest Blogging Challenge: What is it?

24 replies, 10 voices Last updated by Carol 9 years, 3 months ago
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    • #12568


      In terms of challenges and obstacles to overcome on your blog, what do you find to be the one thing you need the most assistance with? How can BlogPaws help you with that?

    • #12591


      I am struggling with the transition from personal hobby to paying side job. There are so many recommendations and how-to articles, but it is hard to know which steps are actually applicable to my case and worth the time investment. Guidance from a BP mentor would be great, someone who can talk things out with me, rather than providing generic advice. Time is my major issue, but since you can’t create time, I’d love help in knowing where to spend it.

      I would also like to know what response time I should expect from BP staff. Over the past week, I’ve sent an email, several direct messages to staff who showed as online, and posted questions but have yet to get any responses. I have not even gotten a response to my intro post. I recognize that I may acting be impatient. Options like chat make it seem like answers will be immediate, so I’d like to know what is considered a reasonable wait time and when I should follow up to be sure my request is seen.

    • #12590


      My two biggest issues are feeling confident in what I offer and posting on a regular schedule. I tend to binge post, which I know is a bit of an issue. I have a calendar and schedule out posts about two weeks in the future, but since this is a side job things tend to get in the way and I don’t always live up to my schedule. I also tend to feel bad asking for payment or increasing prices. I have trouble coming up with reasons why my blog is worth what I say it is.

    • #12589


      I agree with Julia. There is a ton of blogging and social media information out there but not much of it is geared specifically towards pet bloggers. Lifestyle blog stuff is close but even that misses the mark a lot because pet blogs and the pet blogging community work a little different. That’s one of the favorite parts of my social media consulting business – taking all of the information out there are and applying it to the pet blogging niche. 

      My biggest challenge, unfortunately, can’t be helped by BlogPaws – time. I finish up school at the end of next month and will have more control over my time but I am still one of those people that always overbooks. The blog is usually one of the things to fall by the wayside.

      Second would probably be inspiration. I am not talking the blogging prompt kind of inspiration but something that would help me avoid burnout, stay on track with my goals, and keep my eye on the end goal. I think a pet blogger mastermind group would be awesome! Maybe that is something that BlogPaws could help facilitate.

    • #12588


      Great content here! 

      To Julia, I saw your notes on Ning but when I tried to reply, you’d signed off and Ning would not allow me. I’m sorry! Though I always look like I am ‘here’, often I am away from my desk and have not logged out. And, Ning does not often let me know what someone has pinged me.  Chat is exactly the same here as on Facebook… the other person may seem to be ‘on’ but they aren’t.

      Do know that I am always available by email… yvonne@blogpaws.com, I will always reply within 24 hours. 

      I just tried to write a note in reply to your note from this morning, and somehow, it got lost. Sigh.

      I do know that we discuss these very topics on the blog, routinely. The on-going issue of time and focus and switching from paying job to full time blogging (to earn money) are favorite topics of ours. Plus, the groups here are very much like mastermind groups, I think. We have Blog Talk, which covers a variety of business and technical topics; we have groups for writers, groups for the community itself, to share tips and tricks; a group for newcomers and even an Influencer Group (for folks who would LIKE to become influencers in the pet social media world). 

      My advice would be to check out one group at a time to discover where your best advice will be. BlogPaws has dozens of experts in this community who would be happy to answer questions and help guide you along. 

      I recommend our blog for detailed advice on how to turn your entrepreneurship ideas into reality, and the conference for individual session training on those social topics that are vital to success in this industry.  I am happy to answer individual questions if I can. Email is your best bet for that. 🙂


    • #12587


      Yvonne – 

      I think the resources here on BlogPaws are amazing. I owe a good part of my blogging success to the online resources and community. I also belong to several blogging Facebook groups that offer almost instantaneous technical or moral support.

      Upon review, I wasn’t very clear about my Mastermind comment. What would really help me would be having a bi-monthly or monthly check in with a small group of professional bloggers where I can discuss my personal goals and challenges. Members could help brainstorm ideas with each other and help hold each other accountable.

      I imagine the WIPIN Growth calls are the closest thing to one available but a) I haven’t actually tried a call yet and b) it seems more like a loose group that varies by attendees and numbers each month (not the consistency of a mastermind group). I attempted to start something like a Mastermind Group locally through my Northwest Pet Bloggers Group. It’s an involved explanation but, in the end, there was a lack of interest so the idea didn’t take off. Maybe this is a call to renew my efforts 🙂

    • #12586


      Stay tuned – as we have been discussing something like this for a while – 😉  

      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:

      Yvonne – 

      I think the resources here on BlogPaws are amazing. I owe a good part of my blogging success to the online resources and community. I also belong to several blogging Facebook groups that offer almost instantaneous technical or moral support.

      Upon review, I wasn’t very clear about my Mastermind comment. What would really help me would be having a bi-monthly or monthly check in with a small group of professional bloggers where I can discuss my personal goals and challenges. Members could help brainstorm ideas with each other and help hold each other accountable.

      I imagine the WIPIN Growth calls are the closest thing to one available but a) I haven’t actually tried a call yet and b) it seems more like a loose group that varies by attendees and numbers each month (not the consistency of a mastermind group). I attempted to start something like a Mastermind Group locally through my Northwest Pet Bloggers Group. It’s an involved explanation but, in the end, there was a lack of interest so the idea didn’t take off. Maybe this is a call to renew my efforts 🙂

    • #12585


      Jessica, I always love your comments and insight. Can you describe your mastermind group… or rather, the one you tried to create? I need a little more detail. Carol is right, we’ve discussed this and keep stumbling over when/how/who. 

      I am totally on board with finding a way to bring more value and connections to my members (especially those who are as active as you are!), but I don’t want to end up with something that is just another ‘discussion’ group. See what I mean? There has to be a strategy involved and RESULTS expected, even if the results are sharing of tools, platforms, insight, whatever. I once belonged to a leadership group that met monthly and THAT was very helpful. If I could recreate that here… I’d do it in a heartbeat.


      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:

      Yvonne – 

      I think the resources here on BlogPaws are amazing. I owe a good part of my blogging success to the online resources and community. I also belong to several blogging Facebook groups that offer almost instantaneous technical or moral support.

      Upon review, I wasn’t very clear about my Mastermind comment. What would really help me would be having a bi-monthly or monthly check in with a small group of professional bloggers where I can discuss my personal goals and challenges. Members could help brainstorm ideas with each other and help hold each other accountable.

      I imagine the WIPIN Growth calls are the closest thing to one available but a) I haven’t actually tried a call yet and b) it seems more like a loose group that varies by attendees and numbers each month (not the consistency of a mastermind group). I attempted to start something like a Mastermind Group locally through my Northwest Pet Bloggers Group. It’s an involved explanation but, in the end, there was a lack of interest so the idea didn’t take off. Maybe this is a call to renew my efforts 🙂

    • #12584


      Yvonne –

      I approached it more of a goal setting and accountability group – something a little more casual than a mastermind group. I learned a few things from it that I would do differently in a formal mastermind group setting (and saw the value in the formal commitment). I would be happy to discuss what I tried. I think it is something better discussed outside of this thread. I will shoot you an email.

      @Carol Yay. Because I would rather not do all of the work myself 🙂

      Yvonne DiVita said:

      Jessica, I always love your comments and insight. Can you describe your mastermind group… or rather, the one you tried to create? I need a little more detail. Carol is right, we’ve discussed this and keep stumbling over when/how/who. 

      I am totally on board with finding a way to bring more value and connections to my members (especially those who are as active as you are!), but I don’t want to end up with something that is just another ‘discussion’ group. See what I mean? There has to be a strategy involved and RESULTS expected, even if the results are sharing of tools, platforms, insight, whatever. I once belonged to a leadership group that met monthly and THAT was very helpful. If I could recreate that here… I’d do it in a heartbeat.


      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:

      Yvonne – 

      I think the resources here on BlogPaws are amazing. I owe a good part of my blogging success to the online resources and community. I also belong to several blogging Facebook groups that offer almost instantaneous technical or moral support.

      Upon review, I wasn’t very clear about my Mastermind comment. What would really help me would be having a bi-monthly or monthly check in with a small group of professional bloggers where I can discuss my personal goals and challenges. Members could help brainstorm ideas with each other and help hold each other accountable.

      I imagine the WIPIN Growth calls are the closest thing to one available but a) I haven’t actually tried a call yet and b) it seems more like a loose group that varies by attendees and numbers each month (not the consistency of a mastermind group). I attempted to start something like a Mastermind Group locally through my Northwest Pet Bloggers Group. It’s an involved explanation but, in the end, there was a lack of interest so the idea didn’t take off. Maybe this is a call to renew my efforts 🙂

    • #12583


      As a newbie blogger, two of my biggest challenges are keeping the blog current and also learning how to direct readers to my blog.  I’ve been posting pretty regularly, but only have very few regular visitors. 

    • #39944


      My biggest blog challenge is crossing the bridge from side business to full-time job. At this point, I feel like I’ve read all the “best practices” and how-to’s and need something more than that.  I’m at a place where having a mentor or a coach would be phenomenal to help me get to that next step. I know that BP as a whole is a tribe as they say in the social media world . . . but, I’d love to see a program or way members can identify 1-3 “tribe mates” to work with for mentoring, sharing content, meetings to discuss ideas, collaborations, etc.

    • #12582


      Interesting, Aimee. I’ll bring that idea to the content team. We are working on the Social Learning Center, where there will be far more opportunities to grow and learn, I promise. 

      Meanwhile, one key thing you can do to move yourself forward is to:

      a) Identify your strongest talent and offering – what do you do that people will pay for?

      b) Identify 10 brands (big or small doesn’t matter) that might want to hire you to do that for them

      c) Find the best way to connect with them and start a conversation. Don’t pitch. Start a conversation. 

      I would also look at job sites – why? Because you’ll discover brands looking for employees to do what you do. No reason you can’t start conversations with those brands, and perhaps show them why it’s in their best interest to hire you as a contract worker, rather than hire an ’employee’. Again, make it about them, their story, and how you can tell it to the world. 

      Just a couple of thoughts from my end.

    • #12581


      I’m in the same boat as Dawn in many ways, but I’ve been doing this long enough that I feel like I should understand it a lot better by now. I feel like everything I read it too vague, but I can’t really expect anything different. The articles aren’t taylor made for my specific blog, of course, but it sure would be nice to have a better sense of direction. I’m starting to wonder if I have a learning disability. lol

    • #12580

      Carleen Pruess Coulter

      I would like to see a Blogpaws Facebook group for discussion of blogging topics. I know there is an extensive forum here with is great, and I belong to a few smaller groups started by members that are also great, but a large Facebook group could be very beneficial, as the notifications and the way Facebook works makes discussion so darn easy.

    • #12579



      Not trying to butt in but I am wondering how you see the BlogPaws Facebook group differing from the smaller Facebook groups started by members to discuss blogging topics? I am curious because I think it is a good idea but don’t quite understand how it would differ from current groups. I already feel overwhelmed by the amount of groups I am in but would be very intrigued by a BlogPaws group that would allow me to follow one group instead of the 10+ I do now 🙂

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I would like to see a Blogpaws Facebook group for discussion of blogging topics. I know there is an extensive forum here with is great, and I belong to a few smaller groups started by members that are also great, but a large Facebook group could be very beneficial, as the notifications and the way Facebook works makes discussion so darn easy.

    • #12578

      Veronica Glynn

      Hi Aimee – I actually love this idea. I’m not sure how I can grab onto your coat tails and ride along with this idea, but I want in! Thanks so much for sharing.


      Aimee @ Irresistible Pets said:

      My biggest blog challenge is crossing the bridge from side business to full-time job. At this point, I feel like I’ve read all the “best practices” and how-to’s and need something more than that.  I’m at a place where having a mentor or a coach would be phenomenal to help me get to that next step. I know that BP as a whole is a tribe as they say in the social media world . . . but, I’d love to see a program or way members can identify 1-3 “tribe mates” to work with for mentoring, sharing content, meetings to discuss ideas, collaborations, etc.

    • #12577

      Veronica Glynn

      I think my biggest blog challenge right now is time, exposure and how to get my blog to generate revenue. Make that “T”ime. I am currently juggling running my new company (organic dog treat bakery), working my “day” job full time and maintaining our blog that posts 3x a week.How can I become more efficient at blogging and how can I gain more subscribers? I would like to expand my reach and would also like to participate in more guest blogging this year. I love what everyone is saying in this forum. It is comforting to know I am not the only one struggling with these issues. 

      Happy Wags – Veronica

    • #12576

      Carleen Pruess Coulter

      The pet oriented groups I am in are small. I would like to see something larger. There are some big benefits to very large Facebook groups. For example, in the beauty niche, there is a group with about 500 active members and it is an incredible resource. I get different benefits from small groups as well. I like both.

      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:


      Not trying to butt in but I am wondering how you see the BlogPaws Facebook group differing from the smaller Facebook groups started by members to discuss blogging topics? I am curious because I think it is a good idea but don’t quite understand how it would differ from current groups. I already feel overwhelmed by the amount of groups I am in but would be very intrigued by a BlogPaws group that would allow me to follow one group instead of the 10+ I do now 🙂

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I would like to see a Blogpaws Facebook group for discussion of blogging topics. I know there is an extensive forum here with is great, and I belong to a few smaller groups started by members that are also great, but a large Facebook group could be very beneficial, as the notifications and the way Facebook works makes discussion so darn easy.

    • #12575


      Ah, I see. Thanks.

      The largest pet blogging Facebook group I belong to is near 100 members but only a fraction of them are active. That happens with any group I guess.

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      The pet oriented groups I am in are small. I would like to see something larger. There are some big benefits to very large Facebook groups. For example, in the beauty niche, there is a group with about 500 active members and it is an incredible resource.

      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:


      Not trying to butt in but I am wondering how you see the BlogPaws Facebook group differing from the smaller Facebook groups started by members to discuss blogging topics? I am curious because I think it is a good idea but don’t quite understand how it would differ from current groups. I already feel overwhelmed by the amount of groups I am in but would be very intrigued by a BlogPaws group that would allow me to follow one group instead of the 10+ I do now 🙂

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I would like to see a Blogpaws Facebook group for discussion of blogging topics. I know there is an extensive forum here with is great, and I belong to a few smaller groups started by members that are also great, but a large Facebook group could be very beneficial, as the notifications and the way Facebook works makes discussion so darn easy.

    • #12574


      Actually that group exists: It is the BlogPaws pet blogging and news group that also does boosting 5 times a week for different platforms. The  only caveat to joining is that the person is an approved BlogPaws Community member and stays active in the group 😉


      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I would like to see a Blogpaws Facebook group for discussion of blogging topics. I know there is an extensive forum here with is great, and I belong to a few smaller groups started by members that are also great, but a large Facebook group could be very beneficial, as the notifications and the way Facebook works makes discussion so darn easy.

    • #12573


      And therein lies why the BlogPaws Community is so important. You can set notifications to receive an alert when a member posts. Since this is a gated community and a treasure trove of resources, with the Social Learning Center forthcoming, coupled with over 4,000 members it really is a fab resource. A lot of folks lurk, too, but don’t always comment, but it’s that way with any community. Does that help?
      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      The pet oriented groups I am in are small. I would like to see something larger. There are some big benefits to very large Facebook groups. For example, in the beauty niche, there is a group with about 500 active members and it is an incredible resource. I get different benefits from small groups as well. I like both.

      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:


      Not trying to butt in but I am wondering how you see the BlogPaws Facebook group differing from the smaller Facebook groups started by members to discuss blogging topics? I am curious because I think it is a good idea but don’t quite understand how it would differ from current groups. I already feel overwhelmed by the amount of groups I am in but would be very intrigued by a BlogPaws group that would allow me to follow one group instead of the 10+ I do now 🙂

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I would like to see a Blogpaws Facebook group for discussion of blogging topics. I know there is an extensive forum here with is great, and I belong to a few smaller groups started by members that are also great, but a large Facebook group could be very beneficial, as the notifications and the way Facebook works makes discussion so darn easy.

    • #12572

      Carleen Pruess Coulter

      I am a member of the boost group and enjoy it, but I would love to see something akin to what I see among the beauty bloggers on Facebook. That is a rather large purely discussion group. I also enjoy the group here and get email notifications . Ultimately though I prefer Facebook and was a bit surprised at the lack of large groups on there given the size of the pet blogging community. I think people tend to have platform preferences so sometimes duplication across platforms can be useful in order to best reach everyone or get maximum activity. Anyway it was just a random thought on my part. I don’t view it as anything critical and certainly don’t mean to suggest that this community is lacking in some way. I like it here too. 🙂

    • #12571


      So question for you – because I learn from you and value your feedback – can you provide some feedback as to how I might grow the group more on Facebook and any examples?

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I am a member of the boost group and enjoy it, but I would love to see something akin to what I see among the beauty bloggers on Facebook. That is a rather large purely discussion group. I also enjoy the group here and get email notifications . Ultimately though I prefer Facebook and was a bit surprised at the lack of large groups on there given the size of the pet blogging community. I think people tend to have platform preferences so sometimes duplication across platforms can be useful in order to best reach everyone or get maximum activity. Anyway it was just a random thought on my part. I don’t view it as anything critical and certainly don’t mean to suggest that this community is lacking in some way. I like it here too. 🙂
    • #12570

      Carleen Pruess Coulter

      When I have been involved in new groups we often got them going by making them open and encouraging people to add others who might be interested, but then we screened and removed people who joined who should not have been there. Once large enough, we moved to closed and then finally to secret (but invited people privately).

      Mostly with the beauty bloggers it was word of mouth (or I guess word of facebook, lol) that brought people in too. 

      The beauty bloggers also split out sharing/post boosting into separate groups, so they have different daily groups for twitter, pinterest, commenting etc. They did that when the sharing aspects were getting lost in the discussion aspects of the larger group. For a year or two before that they were all in the same group.

      The main beauty group is secret, so if I share the link you won’t be able to view it. You might be able to view this closed one though: https://www.facebook.com/groups/182095028510618/?ref=br_tf  Not sure how much it lets you see of closed groups. It is a group for new beauty bloggers although it actually has a ton of old timers in it too.

      Carol Bryant said:

      So question for you – because I learn from you and value your feedback – can you provide some feedback as to how I might grow the group more on Facebook and any examples?

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I am a member of the boost group and enjoy it, but I would love to see something akin to what I see among the beauty bloggers on Facebook. That is a rather large purely discussion group. I also enjoy the group here and get email notifications . Ultimately though I prefer Facebook and was a bit surprised at the lack of large groups on there given the size of the pet blogging community. I think people tend to have platform preferences so sometimes duplication across platforms can be useful in order to best reach everyone or get maximum activity. Anyway it was just a random thought on my part. I don’t view it as anything critical and certainly don’t mean to suggest that this community is lacking in some way. I like it here too. 🙂
    • #12569


      I am polling the Facebook BlogPaws group that has been expanded to pet blogging advice, news, shares, tips, and includes a daily rotating boost – and what the majority says so it shall be – thanks for your expertise and insights, Carleen!

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      When I have been involved in new groups we often got them going by making them open and encouraging people to add others who might be interested, but then we screened and removed people who joined who should not have been there. Once large enough, we moved to closed and then finally to secret (but invited people privately).

      Mostly with the beauty bloggers it was word of mouth (or I guess word of facebook, lol) that brought people in too. 

      The beauty bloggers also split out sharing/post boosting into separate groups, so they have different daily groups for twitter, pinterest, commenting etc. They did that when the sharing aspects were getting lost in the discussion aspects of the larger group. For a year or two before that they were all in the same group.

      The main beauty group is secret, so if I share the link you won’t be able to view it. You might be able to view this closed one though: https://www.facebook.com/groups/182095028510618/?ref=br_tf  Not sure how much it lets you see of closed groups. It is a group for new beauty bloggers although it actually has a ton of old timers in it too.

      Carol Bryant said:

      So question for you – because I learn from you and value your feedback – can you provide some feedback as to how I might grow the group more on Facebook and any examples?

      Carleen Pruess Coulter said:

      I am a member of the boost group and enjoy it, but I would love to see something akin to what I see among the beauty bloggers on Facebook. That is a rather large purely discussion group. I also enjoy the group here and get email notifications . Ultimately though I prefer Facebook and was a bit surprised at the lack of large groups on there given the size of the pet blogging community. I think people tend to have platform preferences so sometimes duplication across platforms can be useful in order to best reach everyone or get maximum activity. Anyway it was just a random thought on my part. I don’t view it as anything critical and certainly don’t mean to suggest that this community is lacking in some way. I like it here too. 🙂
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