Home Forums Social Media Tips Facebook vs. Twitter, or Both?

8 replies, 8 voices Last updated by Lori Waters 9 years, 10 months ago
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    • #17350

      Emily Hall

      Hi everyone, I am a new member to the BlogPaws Community, and somewhat new to the pet-blogging world in general. I started my blog about 8 months ago. – http://www.kittycatchronicles.com

      Anyway, I am looking to increase traffic to my site and increase subscribers, etc… I just got a Twitter account for my blog a few days ago (@kitcatchronicle), and I have been wondering about the advantages to having a Twitter account and/or Facebook page. I haven’t started a Facebook page for my blog yet, because I’m wondering if it is necessary to have both a Twitter and a Facebook? It seems like the same things get posted on Twitter as get posted to Facebook, so I don’t understand the reason to have both. But I am new to all of this, and would definitely love to hear everybody’s opinions on the different social media outlets.

      Which social media outlets have you all found to be the most effective? Do you use both Twitter and Facebook? What are the advantages/disadvantages to have one or the other, or both? 

      Thank you all for any help or guidance you can offer! I am so excited to be a member of this community and am so looking forward to connecting with other pet bloggers!

    • #17358

      Marie Amsterdam

      Hi Emily!

      I have both a Facebook page and a Twitter (and Pinterest, Google +, and Linkedin). I share each new blog post on all the social media sites. It’s a lot to keep up with but I want to get the most exposure for my blogs.





    • #17357


      Both!! I find Facebook useful for connecting with fans outside of the pet blogger community. Twitter is great for connecting with other bloggers and brands. Both can drive good traffic to your blog. Readers will expect that you are on both…especially Facebook.

      The people who are posting the exact same thing on Facebook and Twitter all of the time 1) probably have the two linked so every time they post to Facebook, it pushes the same post out to Twitter and 2) doing it wrong. It’s not ideal but ok to link your Facebook to Twitter but you need to post some different content that is different to Twitter also…maybe worded a different way or a different photo (this is the case for every social media channel you are on – different messages and content for different platforms). Also make sure to visit Twitter to have conversations and engage with other users.

    • #17356


      If you do only two social media sites, do Twitter AND Facebook. They are both important, and they are very different. People who are posting the exact same thing on both are not using it right. Sure, you might post links to the same blog posts, but you are reaching different people. Facebook can be more intimate, and you have room to do lots of different things. Twitter allows you to reach people at a different level though. And I find it to be a bit less formal. There’s a bit of instant gratification to it.


    • #17355

      Emily Hall

      Thank you all for your advice! It is very helpful. I created a Facebook page today for my blog: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kitty-Cat-Chronicles/1403276533257222

      Please share the links to your pages and blogs as well so I can check them out!

    • #17354

      Rebecca Braglio

      I’ll throw my 2 cents in for google+   – and here’s why —

      Search engine optimization (SEO).  It’s how people find your site. While there isn’t a ton of activity on google+ (compared to other social sites), Google+ has a strong effect on Google search (obviously, since it was created by Google).  

      Here’s an interesting article on the topic.

      I just use Hootsuite to post all at once.  I make my posts different for twitter, of course, but basically use same language for google+.

    • #17353


      Good comments here so far! I would go with use Twitter and FB and supplement these with Pinterest and Google+. A lot of pet blogging sponsors expect you to have a presence there. Not everyone will have a zillion followers but a good solid following that you build up over time lets people know you mean business.  Two good places to mix with pet people on Twitter are #PetChat with host @Petchat (Elly) and, of course, #BlogPawsChat. Jump in and say hello and that you rae new, you will receive a warm welcome.

    • #17352

      Enzie Shahmiri

      I agree with Dashkitten you should have a presence on all social media sites. Look into IFTT.com and Magenta River to set up automatic posting. It makes life much easier and your posts get the maximum exposure possible. 

    • #17351

      Lori Waters

      When you’re first starting out it may be a great idea to open up several social media platform accounts and get a feel for which platform you get the most engagement or best results from. If you find that you engage more so on FB with your followers than you do on twitter or IG than stick with that platform. One thing I’ve learned through my journey in social media is that you can’t do it all and if you try to you’ll be half assing it. When I first started my business I opened up all social media accounts: fb, twitter, IG, google+, linked in, pinterest and basically posted on everything and tried to keep some sort of a schedule but I found that I wasn’t getting very much engagement from FB and didn’t want to continue to pay for ads. Up until recently I’ve finally found my top 4 platforms that generate the most amount of engagement and results for my business those being G+, twitter and pinterest respectively. 

      Hope this helps and good luck! 

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