Home Forums Life Happens: Everyday musings and issues in life How do you prepare for neg comments on a blog?

6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Carma Allen 10 years, 8 months ago
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    • #20510

      Carma Allen

      I am working on a blog post that might upset some but bring a new light to others. I feel if I don’t write it, I will never be able to move forward with my blog. I have pondered on it for months and months about writing it because of being afraid of losing followers or being socially attacked I want to avoid it but last night while I was talking to a fellow blogger about a piece he (actually she) was writing , he said something that made me really think today. I have started it but getting all the words out in post isn’t easy. I want to be respectful but I want to educate. But when Rumpy Dog said “so why do you have a blog if not to express yourself” I thought yes why? I want to educate so I have decided to write it. It may take a while because to me it’s a deep subject and I want to word it right
      My question is how do you prepare yourself for what comments you may get?

    • #20520

      Steph Jensen

      My thoughts are that you have to define who you are and what you stand for. 

      You can’t please them all, but the more you please the ones you do, the more passionately they will like (and recommend you).

      I don’t have much experience in comment handling, but your readers are probably adults, and should be able to have a decent discussion.

      As long as you are really prepared, with counter arguments, and follow a logical line of thought, they should be able to understand your point of view.

      On the other hand, it think it is important that you are open minded and try to see the way your readers (also the negative ones) see the subject of your article. Handling their comments seriously and respectfully, (even if they are negatively toned) will give you credit – if not to the ones being negative, then to the ones who will continue following you.

      Its worth sacrificing the followers who don’t share your line of thought, or can’t discuss decently, if you strengthen your standing with the ones who share your thoughts.

    • #20519


      I think Steph has great advice. I wrote a post that I thought might disagree with some people to the point that they wouldn’t come back to read future posts but I had to write it too. It was timely for me to write it and I went ahead. I got comments but none were negative. It could be because I’m still a very new blogger – I don’t have nearly the experience that others do with negative comments but I prepared like Steph said. I know where I stand based on my experience but I believe that everyone is free to have their own opinion. Some people disagree that everyone should be allowed their own opinion but I always promise myself to respect and value each person’s opinion because it’s based on their circumstances and background, neither of which I can understand fully in another person’s life. I was ready to take a beating and knew that it may come. If you’re ready for it,  I’m sure you’ll be prepared to respond to each person in the best way. Good luck and I look forward to reading the post!

    • #20516

      Steph Jensen

      Funny thing about us pet owners, is that we are certain, that our pets would not have it better any other place than with us. That we are doing everything right, and that it’s our duty to tell other people how they can do the same.

      The problem is that each person, thinks that, so it can be hard to have an open and civilized discussion, unless you have the right arguments.

      Also, make sure to put your “punch lines” in bullet form, or “Bold“. Some people might react simply to your title, and not read your entire post. They may simply scroll through the text, and go crazy in the comments fields.

      Most people will take a quick look at a bullet setup

      • To get the basic idea of what your thoughts are
      • Feel you out, if you are serious or not
      • Make sure they understood what the title is about

      Text in bold is also something people in a hurry will read, but don’t OVER DO IT!!!

    • #20515

      Carma Allen

      Thank you all for the advice. I really like the policy on comments and I feel it may be time for me to add this on my blog. Hopefully I will have this blog post wrote soon and I can get on with my blog. There are other topic that has arose that I feel I need to talk about too so I will address those first. 

      I guess we all need to write that one conversational post. 

    • #20512



      You have a readership, a loyal fanbase. You also have something you want to say and something you have obviously thought long and hard about. If it is a post you need to write, write it. There are good suggestions here – Bullet points seems a great way to focus on the vital points and I had never thought to have a policy for comments, although I don’t believe I cover controversial points.

      Just be prepared for as many negative comments as you can. I read online that gracious, informed responses to negative comments will gain you as many friends as you might lose.

      Good Luck with your post.

    • #20511

      Carma Allen

      I have wrote my blog post. I have kept it mild and left lots of things I wanted to say out for the good of my blog. If I had hundreds of followers I would take the risk but since I am still building followers I did not want to lose what I already had. There is a part 2 to this blog when I tell about things that have happened but that will happen at a later time. 


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