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      The sight when a dog suddenly gets up, becomes stiff and alert, and keeps staring quietly in one direction for a long time can be quite freaking. Many of us have seen a dog standing in the corner and barking at nothing but the empty space. Those are some perplexing moments when almost all of us have wondered “is it seeing a ghost?”

      Then there is that old belief, too, that a dog’s prolonged wailing is a sign that something bad is about to happen—perhaps one will soon hear the news of someone’s death. Pet owners continue to observe and seek answers to such inexplicable behavior.

      In an effort to understand their dogs better, the owners have also questioned their pet’s sensory abilities, the way it sees or experiences the world, and what it can or cannot eat—leading to popular hearsays and assumptions. We list down the four most common concerns.

      Read it here (and you can also share with us your own personal experience):


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