Home Forums Blog Talk New blogger tips for sidebars!

4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Summer 8 years, 7 months ago
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    • #11498

      Kay Allen

      Hi everyone , my name is Kay and I am super new to the blogging world, but I’m giving it a go! Im starting a glamours blog for my dog Faith who is a puppy mill survivor and see so many wonderful blogs out there, I was wondering how they do some of things…the main thing I noticed is there are lots of pictures on the side bar even the blog paw banner, does anyone know how to add the photos, people you follow and the banner for dogpaws? Your more than welcome to check out my blog but it is still a work in progress and I’m working on it day and night  😉    missglampuppy.blogspot.com

      Thanks !


    • #11502

      Jenna Drady

      Adding images to your blogger sidebar is super easy! 

      Go into your layout, then over at the sidebar, click “add gadgets” then scroll down until you see “image” click that and upload! Any other blogger question, I am happy to help!

    • #11501


      Hey there, Kay. Thank you for taking Faith and giving her a good home; she is such a pretty thing. 🙂

      As for your sidebar, Blogger has several pre-made gadgets you can select from and add (including G+ and subscriber followers, and images). I googled and found this procedure for adding an image; it’s pretty simple. And using this same process, you should be able to play around and get other gadgets on your blog, as desired.


      My advice to a newbie on Blogger (I remember those days), would be to play around with just about everything in Layout mode, until you get a feel for it. Don’t be afraid to experiment. You can always change stuff back.  

      As for the BlogPaws badge, go here to customize yours: http://community.blogpaws.com/main/embeddable/list

      You will then need to copy and paste the code into a new HTML gadget in your blog layout. (You’ll get what I mean after you start playing around in Layout on your blog). 

      Have fun!

    • #11500


      Great advice !

      Elizabeth Keene said:

      Hey there, Kay. Thank you for taking Faith and giving her a good home; she is such a pretty thing. 🙂

      As for your sidebar, Blogger has several pre-made gadgets you can select from and add (including G+ and subscriber followers, and images). I googled and found this procedure for adding an image; it’s pretty simple. And using this same process, you should be able to play around and get other gadgets on your blog, as desired.


      My advice to a newbie on Blogger (I remember those days), would be to play around with just about everything in Layout mode, until you get a feel for it. Don’t be afraid to experiment. You can always change stuff back.  

      As for the BlogPaws badge, go here to customize yours: http://community.blogpaws.com/main/embeddable/list

      You will then need to copy and paste the code into a new HTML gadget in your blog layout. (You’ll get what I mean after you start playing around in Layout on your blog). 

      Have fun!

    • #11499


      Hi Kay! Welcome to the pet blogging world. From your current blog’s sidebar state it looks as though you’ve got the hang of things. In your Blogger Dashboard, all you need to do is click on your blog’s name, layout, and you’ll find a wide range of cool tools to make your blog even better.

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