Home Forums Be The Change Please Help Me Spread the News About a Pet Store Boycott…

5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Carma Allen 11 years, 3 months ago
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    • #23455

      Kimberly Gauthier

      Happy Tuesday, Friends

      It’s recently come to my attention that a local pet store has started selling puppies and kittens even though they assured local rescue groups that they wouldn’t.  When I announced this, a customer emailed me to say that they actually never stopped.

      What concerns me is that they’re not working with a reputable breeder (not that any breeder I know would sell through a pet store).  They’re taking in puppies from local people who chose to breed their dogs.  They have no experience and the store isn’t checking into the conditions of every case.  They say that they’re helping people who have a litter that they’re unable to care for; but I feel that they’re encouraging irresponsible pet owners to breed.  If they wanted to help these people, they should connect them with a reputable rescue group.

      Also, they’re charging an adoption fee (which they collect sales tax on) and the puppies aren’t mixed breed.

      I’m encouraging animal lovers to visit their Facebook page and urge them to choose to work with reputable rescue groups by hosting adoption events instead of working with inexperienced and irresponsible breeders. 

      If you have the time, Please make a statement on their Facebook page and retweet the following to spread the word.  I don’t want to attack them, I just want to educate them and anyone who is watching.

      BRIDGES PETS FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=522284131136999&id=297172580314823#!/pages/Bridges-Pets/297172580314823?fref=ts

      PLEASE RETWEET: https://twitter.com/TheFurMom/status/293788720279207937

      If you have any recommendations of more that I can do, I would appreciate the suggestions.  Thank you.

    • #23460

      Doreen Yvonne Disbro

      Where do you live?

      An adoption fee?  HA!  It’s called “PURCHASING A PUPPY” and definitely not adopting.  Those places make me sick.  We rally at the local pet stores here in Indianapolis.  I would consider getting a group of people together to have peaceful rallies near their location.

    • #23459

      Theresa O’Connell

      I agree w/ Doreen. And I appreciate the fact that you want to educate them, it’s much better than attacking.

    • #23458

      Carma Allen

      We have some pet stores that “adopt” out from local shelters. The shelters put their animals there and let the store take care of the adoption. The Humane Society I volunteer at refuses to do this because to us its like buying a animal. The store lets the adopter fill out a application and they get approved. no home check, no reference check, no vet check, pay for the animal and its yours. 

      My question is how is this any different from buying animals from a store that sell from a breeder? 

    • #23457

      Doreen Yvonne Disbro

      This is odd to me.  We have pet stores that work with the rescues and shelter’s but they are there and bring the dogs.  They don’t just leave the dogs there.  The stores do not process the adoption, the rescue or shelter does.  The cats, however, are different.  There are pet stores that have the cats but they are processed differently. 

      Carma Poodale Allen said:

      We have some pet stores that “adopt” out from local shelters. The shelters put their animals there and let the store take care of the adoption. The Humane Society I volunteer at refuses to do this because to us its like buying a animal. The store lets the adopter fill out a application and they get approved. no home check, no reference check, no vet check, pay for the animal and its yours. 

      My question is how is this any different from buying animals from a store that sell from a breeder? 

    • #23456

      Carma Allen

      Yes here the rescue is called the application is discussed over the phone but the background checks are not being done. 

      Kimberly Gauthier said:

      Doreen & Carma – Petco and Petsmart partner with local rescues to house cats at the stores, but people still have to go through the rescues to adopt.  If they’re allowing the pets to go home similar to a goldfish, then I agree, this is no different then stores who sell puppies and kittens (with the exception of the price tag).  It’s so important for us to know that pets are going to a happy, safe home.

      Doreen Yvonne Disbro said:

      This is odd to me.  We have pet stores that work with the rescues and shelter’s but they are there and bring the dogs.  They don’t just leave the dogs there.  The stores do not process the adoption, the rescue or shelter does.  The cats, however, are different.  There are pet stores that have the cats but they are processed differently. 

      Carma Poodale Allen said:

      My question is how is this any different from buying animals from a store that sell from a breeder? 

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