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    • #11494

      Dwight Alleyne

      Click here for the full article

      The difference between OTC flea products and veterinary exclusive products

      As long as I have been a veterinarian, I am amazed how flea products have advanced through the years. There are products that combine flea, intestinal parasites, and heartworm prevention in one. Oral flea products  are available that last as long as three months to protect against fleas. You have a collar that can provide up to 8 months of prevention against ticks and fleas (Seresto flea collar). Despite the increased availability of these products I am surprised to still see clients continue to use over-the-counter flea products. I still see clients who persist to choose products such as flea shampoos, flea collars, and OTC (over the counter) topical products for their flea prevention. So the question I will attempt to answer is there a difference between these products and the products you can get at your veterinarian a.k.a. veterinary exclusive?

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