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16 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Geoffrey 9 years, 7 months ago
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    • #14397

      Missy Yost

      I have my blog on both Facebook & Twitter but I am having trouble finding Twitter followers.  I follow others but they don’t always follow me back and you can’t message specific accounts without being followed by that member.  I have even received thank you’s for following them with no way to ask them to follow me back.  Can you give me advise on what works best for picking up Twitter followers?

    • #14413


      I often check put the followers of someone in my niche and follow them – they have already shown some interest in your type of content.

      You can also unfollow someone and follow them again so they get another reminder that you followed. I haven’t seen huge success wirh that though.

      What type of blog are you promoting? I find that pet bloggers almost always follow other pet bloggers back. I’ve had a harder time getting followers on my other account.

    • #14412

      Missy Yost

      I am promoting a pet travel blog.  I have some travel people following me and am following all of the pet blogs that have been suggested by twitter and I put pet travel into the search query and came up with some others.  I am trying to comment on accounts to get followers as well but Twitter is proving to be a challenge. 

      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:

      I often check put the followers of someone in my niche and follow them – they have already shown some interest in your type of content.

      You can also unfollow someone and follow them again so they get another reminder that you followed. I haven’t seen huge success wirh that though.

      What type of blog are you promoting? I find that pet bloggers almost always follow other pet bloggers back. I’ve had a harder time getting followers on my other account.

    • #14411

      Jen | DOGthusiast&FoundPixel.com

      I think it has a lot to do with the kind of tweets I see when an account follows me. If I see a mixture of at least some useful tweets (content that’s relevant, useful resources, cute photos, etc) in amongst other kinds of content (promotional, commercial, tweets looking for followers, etc) then I might follow. If it skews too much towards the not useful then I might not follow back.  Just make a good account, more followers.

      Also remember you can tweet at people (namecheck them) without having them follow back. Do this with caution though – I’d probably be less likely to follow someone who does this. 

    • #14410

      Missy Yost

      Thanks Jen.  That is great advice.  Maybe I need to sit back watch and comment on other tweets before I start trying to tweet much on my own. 

    • #14409


      Well, you can always tweet to them. I have a hard time keeping up with my follow backs, but I will go through my new followers about once a week to see who I want to follow back. I usually don’t follow back people who a) have no information/photo in their profile b) only enter sweepstakes c) accounts that are completely unrelated to what I’m doing on Twitter. 

      Like Jessica said, most pet accounts are pretty good at following back. Patience is key too! It doesn’t happen overnight 🙂 

    • #14408

      Marie Amsterdam

      I found that getting followers was slow at first. Participating in Pet themed Twitter chats is a great way to meet other bloggers and get followers. The chats are also fun and informative as well!

    • #14407

      Jen | DOGthusiast&FoundPixel.com

      @Missy – Don’t be afraid to tweet a lot on your own – I think you should. Just when you do, mix in a bunch of quality tweets so when someone looks at your account they see a lot of stuff that interests them – such as interesting blog posts, facts, photos. I believe this, in theory, helps increase the number of folks who would follow back 🙂

      Heck, tweet bloggers blog posts in a format something like this “Your comment, Name of Blog Post, by @theirUserName” — people like that, will see it because you mentioned them, and might follow back. Much better than saying “@theirUserName please follow me” (which prompts people, or at least me, to ask “why?!” and maybe be a bit more critical as a result, and I don’t like seeing accounts full of that).

      I also like this better than an account with a load of retweets. I tend not to follow these because I wonder if the person has something to say of their own, and what it is 🙂

    • #14406

      Missy Yost

      Thanks!  That makes a lot of sense.  I would want to follow someone with a mix on their page.  I do retweet and tweet myself but I lack pictures. I will try and get a better mix.  Thanks again!  Being a newbie at this is hard.  Advice is very much appreciated and welcome!

      Jen deHaan | DOGthusiast.com said:

      @Missy – Don’t be afraid to tweet a lot on your own – I think you should. Just when you do, mix in a bunch of quality tweets so when someone looks at your account they see a lot of stuff that interests them – such as interesting blog posts, facts, photos. I believe this, in theory, helps increase the number of folks who would follow back 🙂

      Heck, tweet bloggers blog posts in a format something like this “Your comment, Name of Blog Post, by @theirUserName” — people like that, will see it because you mentioned them, and might follow back. Much better than saying “@theirUserName please follow me” (which prompts people, or at least me, to ask “why?!” and maybe be a bit more critical as a result, and I don’t like seeing accounts full of that).

      I also like this better than an account with a load of retweets. I tend not to follow these because I wonder if the person has something to say of their own, and what it is 🙂

    • #14405

      Jen | DOGthusiast&FoundPixel.com

      It definitely takes awhile to get used to, but I’ve found it to be quite fun!  It did take awhile before I enjoyed Twitter though. Like you say, there’s that learning curve at the beginning!

    • #14404


      Missy – we did a Twitter Challenge and helped folks grow in the Pet Blogger Influencer group. Come on over and check it out. Lots of tips there. Be sure to come to the #BlogPawsChat on Twitter on every Tuesday night from 8 to 10 pm EDT (except the 3rd Tues of each month)

    • #14403


      Missy, what is your twitter URL? I will happily follow you. 🙂

    • #14402


      Hello! We find that following users in our niche is a great way to gain more followers. Another way is to participate in the Twitter #BlogPawsChat as Carol said. We’ve gained many followers from attending and following everyone in the chat, it’s also very fun and a great way to meet new people!

    • #14401

      Missy Yost

      Carol Bryant said:

      Missy – we did a Twitter Challenge and helped folks grow in the Pet Blogger Influencer group. Come on over and check it out. Lots of tips there. Be sure to come to the #BlogPawsChat on Twitter on every Tuesday night from 8 to 10 pm EDT (except the 3rd Tues of each month)

    • #14400

      Missy Yost

      Thanks all!  I will definitely come to the twitter cat on Tuesday.  My Twitter URL is @petreadysetroll.  Kristy, I will follow you so that I’m easier to find.  Thanks for helping me out!

    • #14399


      Thanks Missy! Followed you back. 🙂

    • #14398


      Jessica/YDWWYW/PetTalkMedia said:

      You can also unfollow someone and follow them again so they get another reminder that you followed. I haven’t seen huge success wirh that though.

      Twitter, in their list of common tactics that spam accounts often use on their Reporting Spam page, includes:
      • Aggressive following behavior (mass following and mass un-following for attention)
      And on their Twitter Rules page,
      • If you repeatedly follow and unfollow people, whether to build followers or to garner more attention for your profile;
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