Home Forums Blog Talk Would you like to be a guest author?

18 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Hindy Pearson 8 years, 4 months ago
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    • #11093

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi everyone,

      My name is Hindy Pearson, and I have a website dedicated to caring for senior dogs. I would like to invite anyone with experience caring for senior dogs (as a pet parent or medical professional – western and holistic), or involved in their rescue to contact me if you’re interested in being a guest author.

      This is my senior sweetheart named Red, and the inspiration for my site.

      Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon!


      Cheers, Hindy

    • #11111

      Hello from beautiful Montana,

      Our company is animal/Human Connection and I have a couple of blog posts on my blog located at http://www.deathofmyypet.com/blog/  specifically on Adult or Older dogs.  

      Perhaps we can link our blogs or cross post.

      Thanks so much,

      Judy Helm Wright, Pet Grief Coach



    • #11110

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Judy,

      Thanks for getting in touch. I’ve always wanted to visit Montana, it’s looks breathtaking!

      I like your website, so much great information, great layout – I’m still in the learning stages.

      Yes definitely, I would be very interested. If you’d like to guest author a post (or more), and we can link as well. I’m happy to post for you, but not sure what you would have in mind.

      What’s the next step?



    • #11109

      Ann Marie Hoff

      Hi Hindy! I am an animal communicator/intuitive medium. I talk to dogs telepathically; with pictures, words and feelings. The 5 reasons people call me are: behavior issues, medical intuitive information, lost dogs, talking to dogs that have crossed and getting to know your dog better.
      I would be happy to do a guest blog on any subject related to those topics, such as taking care of a dog with a chronic illness, how they feel, what the pets wishes are in regards to their illness, why they behave the way they do. In my book Animal Lover- 1 woman’s fantastic journey to uncover the spiritual purpose of pets, I discuss a pet crossing, and how healing it can be to talk to them on the other side.
      Let me know if you are interested further.
      My website is RosezellasWay.com
      Phone 520-349-3909

    • #11108

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Ann, so nice to hear from you, and thanks for your interest in being a guest author. I think what you do is fascinating, and I would love to include one, or more, of your articles. 

      My only experience with an animal communicator was, many years ago, I was having an issue with one of my cats. No matter what I tried, his behaviour was just, well, bad. The woman I spoke with helped tremendously. On a personal note I’m a firm believer in mediums, being able to communicate with those no longer with us… 

      How wonderful to be able to share your gifts with my readers. 

      Of course you will get full credit, and I will provide a link to your website.

      How would you like to proceed?

      Talk soon.


    • #11107

      Ann Marie Hoff


      Do you have a question on animal communication or mediumship? what do you think would be most interesting to your readers? I could do a short session for you if you want to talk about intuitive work. 

      Seeing that you are focusing on older pets, I can talk about my work with dogs on how they feel- arthritis & such. I get information from the pet & also from their guides- which means we get information on what may help the condition. 

      I also think an article on pet’s crossing may bring comfort to your readers. The knowledge that love returns to love, that pets go to heaven, and also can return to you in a new body. (or that maybe too much for them – it was something that took years for me to get my mind around!

      Look forward to working together,


    • #11106

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Ann,

      I understand a little bit about it, as I mentioned I just had one brief experience, but I find it fascinating.

      I think your two suggestions are great. We hopefully know our pets well, and make the best decisions we can for them, but to know how they feel? I can’t imagine anything better.

      Red has dementia, and I was just speaking to my vet today, telling him how I wonder how she feels – is she aware?  

      I love your second idea as well. Are you familiar with John Edward? I used to love watching him, and he would often mention pets during readings. It gave the person he was reading so much comfort to hear they were fine.

      I had a puppy mill rescue who lived through hell, and was only with me a short time before she died from veterinary neglect. It eats me up every day that she never got to know more than 5 minutes of peace before she died. I would love to know that she is okay, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that desire. 

      You must help so many people with your gift, so to share it with my readers is very special.

      I look forward to working with you as well.

      What should our first step be? Shall we communicate this way? talk on the phone? Do you want to just write something and send it to me?

      Let me know what works for you? 



    • #11105

      Val Silver

      Hi Hindy,

      I’m the author of Rescue Me Seniors – a collection of 5 stories of rescued seniors. The book also includes tips for caring for seniors and helping homeless seniors (and dogs of all ages) in need. I wrote the book to encourage senior adoption and making a lifetime commitment to your dog for life and to fund raise for shelters/resuces. If that is of interest to you either as a written interview or for me to share as a guest article, I’d be happy to collaborate. Thanks and best of luck with your blog and getting the word out about this important topic.

    • #11104

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Val,

      So nice to meet you, and glad you got in touch. How wonderful about your book, and that you raise money for rescues. Breaks my heart how seniors are left behind, so I’m always encouraged when I read how much others are helping.

      I would be very happy to collaborate as well. If you would like to share a story as a post, or write something about your experience writing the book, and collecting the stories, that would be fantastic. Whatever you would like to contribute would be appreciated.

      Of course I will link to your book, and blog if you have one. If there is something I can contribute, let me know.

      Regards, Hindy

    • #11103

      Val Silver

      Hi Hindy,

      That would be great. We’ll be in touch and I’ll write something in the next month. My blog is http://tapinfinity.com if you’d like to check it out – you’ll see a tab for the books too.

    • #11102

      Hindy Pearson

      Sounds great, I look forward to it. Let’s keep in touch and I’ll check out your blog. Talk soon, Hindy

    • #11101

      Ann Marie Hoff


      I have been thinking for my blog- why dont you give me your questions about what an animal commucniator does- that might be the most important to your readers. THen we can also do an session to give away for a reader, and perhaps I do a readng for you  so you can see what I do! That would be 2 -3 blogs. 

    • #11100

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Ann,

      So nice to hear from you. How were your holidays? Hope you had a wonderful time with friends and family. 

      I like your ideas very much.  

      I will prepare a list of questions

      If you want to make it into some sort of contest I think that would generate some interest for you, especially if we include it on social media

      I love the idea of doing a reading for me, then I can write a separate post about my experience.

      Thanks very much for that.

      How’s your schedule? When would you like to write the post answering my questions – just want to know when you’d like them by?

      Talk soon,



    • #11099

      Ann Marie Hoff


      I have some questions- I dont know if yours would pertain to your customers- maybe come up with 2-3 so that you can have your personal spin on it. 

      We can make it into a contest- then run it over on the social media- i have 18,200 twitter followers & 5000 facebook Then we give 1/2 hour free, a free book, and I can discount a price for some people too. It will draw people to your website from mine because they would like a free session, my twitter would send more, and you can post on my site (maybe?)that will get my readers interested in you & you get more business. Then we could do a pinterest board on all the pups and us- inviting people to join. 

      I am free for writing this mid-January.2nd or 3rd week of jan.sounds good – e can tag it that it that “A NEW YEAR~ A new way to bond with your dog! I see it as just being incredibly awesome ! I think this will be alot of fun & we can really play it up!

    • #11098

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Ann,

      I’m in!! 

      I’m about to start “re-vamping” my site. Been spending every minute since I started in August writing, so now it’s time to focus on other aspects. 

      Wanted to send you a quick thanks, let you know I’m so excited about this, let me think about how best to do this and I’ll get right back to you.

      I’m more than happy to write something for you. I mentioned to you that I had an experience with an animal communicator once, and it helped so much. I can write about that if you’re interested, just let me know.

      I’ll be in touch with you soon.

      Take care, Hindy

    • #11097

      Ann Marie Hoff


      Yes, i know John Edwards. I basically work just like him. I am a medium too, and work with people as well as pets. What I have found is that on a 1-1 session, you will get more detailed & personal info than he does with the audience. Spirit is very persnickety about privacy. Dont tell me anymore about your pets- I want to pick up on their stuff clean. I also get humans coming thru- decide if you want to talk to them. 

      Lets talk on the phone later this week- because it is New Years- lets either do it Thurs or next weekend- I am not booked at all for those times so just let me know.



      Hindy Pearson said:

      Hi Ann,

      I understand a little bit about it, as I mentioned I just had one brief experience, but I find it fascinating.

      I think your two suggestions are great. We hopefully know our pets well, and make the best decisions we can for them, but to know how they feel? I can’t imagine anything better.

      Red has dementia, and I was just speaking to my vet today, telling him how I wonder how she feels – is she aware?  

      I love your second idea as well. Are you familiar with John Edward? I used to love watching him, and he would often mention pets during readings. It gave the person he was reading so much comfort to hear they were fine.

      I had a puppy mill rescue who lived through hell, and was only with me a short time before she died from veterinary neglect. It eats me up every day that she never got to know more than 5 minutes of peace before she died. I would love to know that she is okay, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that desire. 

      You must help so many people with your gift, so to share it with my readers is very special.

      I look forward to working with you as well.

      What should our first step be? Shall we communicate this way? talk on the phone? Do you want to just write something and send it to me?

      Let me know what works for you? 



    • #11096

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Ann, Sure I can talk Thurs. I believe I’m 4 hours ahead of you, so let me know a couple of times that are good for you. I’m very flexible, so not bothered when.

      Are you 1 hour earlier than EST?

      Look forward to speaking with you.


    • #11095

      Ann Marie Hoff

      I believe that you are 2hours ahead. I will be home on thursday[ i have another appt. so as soon as find what time it is, I wil schedule a time for us! Meru ag

      Hindy Pearson said:

      Hi Ann, Sure I can talk Thurs. I believe I’m 4 hours ahead of you, so let me know a couple of times that are good for you. I’m very flexible, so not bothered when.

      Are you 1 hour earlier than EST?

      Look forward to speaking with you.


    • #11094

      Hindy Pearson

      Hi Ann, I live in England and am 5 hours ahead of EST. I just need to know what your time is in relation to EST. I’ll call you because it’s cheaper for me, as long as you have a landline. Otherwise we can Skype. 

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